Membership is a covenant between committed people and the leadership of Briarcliff Church. The weight of entering into a covenant may be diminished in our culture where promises are made casually and broken vows are the norm. But we use the language intentionally to communicate that membership is to be entered into with thoughtfulness and commitment. This commitment goes two ways. Should you choose to become a member you are acknowledging that you desire to be held to a higher degree of responsibility by church leadership. In choosing to become a member, you are also receiving the promise of counsel, service, aid, prayer, teaching, and guidance from the leadership.
Membership is an informed commitment to the beliefs and vision of Briarcliff Church, a willing submission to the leadership of the church, and an intentional embrace of your role in the body of Christ and the mission of the church.
Membership classes are designed to provide you with information from which you may ask informed questions and make wise decisions. Our hope is that you will begin the membership process by attending memberships classes and become further integrated in the life and body of Briarcliff Church.
Our next two-session Membership class will be scheduled soon. Please follow the link below to register.