Briarcliff KIDS is our Babies – Grade 5 Children’s Ministry.
We meet at the 9:00 and 10:45 services on Sunday mornings.
Learn more about us and find additional resources below.
Awana is a fun and engaging evening for children ages 2 years before kindergarten through 5th grade. Each week, your child will play exciting games, hear captivating Bible stories, and learn and memorize Bible verses. Awana will meet every Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, starting on September 4, 2024, and running through April 30, 2025.
More About Briarcliff Kids
The goal for Briarcliff KIDS is to provide opportunities for each child to personally discover the truths of God’s Word. We support parents in building up a strong, gospel-centered foundation for our children leading them to love and follow Jesus. We believe that families are a gift from God. We are driven to meet our goal through the grace of God and the shared values of:

We believe the family is the primary learning community for children and provides the most comprehensive context to teach children a biblical perspective on life. It is our mission to encourage parents by providing a variety of resources and opportunities to have positive experiences as you disciple your child(ren).

The central focus of the Bible is Jesus and we desire our children to treasure Him above all else. We work to ensure our worship, activities and curriculum center on the person and work of Jesus Christ.

We believe children are a blessing. Our volunteers are trained to engage each child in meaningful learning experiences. Each volunteer desires to interact with the children and build strong relationships with them.

Learning about Jesus should be fun – creating excitement for each child to attend Briarcliff Kids. We intentionally create an environment in which kids are excited to tell their parents about their time in Briarcliff Kids.
Additional Information
Our Briarcliff Children’s Ministry meets at 9:00 am and 10:45 am each Sunday and drop-off begins 15 minutes prior. We provide a convenient check-in station before each service. On your first visit, you will fill out a visitor tag for each child upon arrival or preregister through the Plan a Visit link below.
When you are ready to be added to our system, we have a family registration form that you can fill out providing family contact information, as well as specifics about your child(ren). You will then be able to use the self check-in stations.
The security of your child is of the utmost importance to us. For your child’s safety and your peace of mind, we will:
- Do background checks on all volunteers
- Have allergies listed on name sticker
- Provide a security tag for each child and ask for the parent portion before releasing any child for check-out.
- We require anyone entering the Briarcliff KIDS area to show their security tag to the leader.
- Use your phone number to print name and security stickers at our Next Gen check-in station.
- Place the name sticker on the child’s back.
- Keep the security sticker for pick-up.
- An adult must walk with each child to their class.
- Drop off begins 15 minutes before each service | 8:45 & 10:30.
- Doors are shut 15 minutes after service starts with attendants to open them as needed.
- Use your security sticker to pick up each child at the door of their classroom.
For the safety of your child and other children, we request that you do not drop your children off at Briarcliff KIDS if they have any of the following:
A temperature of 100 degrees or higher in the last 24 hours
Diarrhea or vomiting in the last 24 hours
Severe coughing
Colored nasal drainage (not due to allergies)
Pink eye
Head lice
Undiagnosed rash
Open skin lesions
Any communicable disease
Our church is committed to partnering with parents to make disciples. Partnering looks like many things over the course of a child's life. For families that are members or regular attendees of Briarcliff Church with children birth to three years of age, Dedication is a meaningful experience. Your best next step toward Family Dedication is to register online. After registration, we will contact you regarding the next scheduled Dedication and to walk you and your family through the details of the Sunday morning service.
Our next dedications will be on May 4, 2025 and November 2, 2025.
You may register by following the link below:
Briarcliff Kids understands the topic of baptism can bring lots of questions for kids. Our approach is to have one-on-one conversations with kids where parents are observers in the room. Whether your child has expressed interest or has talked with you about salvation, baptism conversations are a great next step.
Volunteering in Briarcliff Kids os said to be more rewarding for the volunteer than it is for the kids! You will strengthen your relationship with Christ as you share Him with the next generation and while, of course, having fun.