Hillcrest Hope Transitional Housing
For the past several years Briarcliff Church has been strong partners with Hillcrest Hope Housing. Hillcrest Hope Transitional Housing provides excellent support for each family in the areas of finances and emotional and spiritual health. Briarcliff church sponsors an apartment for families seeking to become independent and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Each month we will be collecting specific items they need for their pantry. The first week of each month you will find a list of the specifics that you may bring to the church anytime during that month. Please check back before you shop as we will remove items from the list as they are received. Please place your items in the food collection bin in the lobby.
If you have any questions, please email carmitage@briarcliff.church..
March Requests
Breakfast Bars
Canned Ravioli
Juice Boxes
Snack Packs