Redemptive Reversals 2
Tim Armitage   -  

When you want to grow personally, professionally, or spiritually, it is natural to look around for what is new. What new method, book, or teaching will help you get to where you want to be? In fact, sometimes it is the attraction of the new thing that convinces you of your need to grow in the first place. One-dollar gym memberships and free iPhones whet our appetite for what our future self could look like.

Ironically, we don’t ever consider looking to the past to determine the best way forward. Growth in life feels oriented toward the future, not rooted in the past. But the Bible teaches us ironically. God tells us to trust His unchanging teaching and unwavering love revealed to His people in ages past.

Join us this Sunday to see how God uses the trustworthy truths of the past to guide us into a flourishing future.

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