Tim Armitage   -  

Have you ever found prayer to be challenging? If you’ve prayed, you have. It is understandable. Our communication with God is at odds with the realities of our sinful world. We struggle with finding time to pray and knowing how to pray. We forget the gift of prayer or, regretfully, we simply don’t think we need to.

Thankfully, there is a better way to pray. Most of us struggle with prayer because we believe we are starting the conversation with God. In truth, we are always answering the proclamation of God’s character and nature as found in Scripture. From the overwhelming power of creation to the promise of eternity, our God has given us the unfolding story of redemption found in the Bible. When we answer God in prayer, life and prayer make more sense. Praying the Bible transforms our hearts and shapes our church.

Don’t miss this Sunday as we begin a new series: Praying the Bible. We will walk through God’s gracious and loving plan of redemption and learn how to pray the truths and promises of God’s Word into our lives and church.

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