
Advent begins Sunday, December 1 and will run through Sunday, December 22. Advent is a season of the liturgical calendar when Christians observe a period of waiting both for the Nativity of Jesus and His second coming. It's a time for us to prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus.

Our Advent services will begin with a family worship time. Kids will worship in the auditorium with their families in song and in the Advent candle lighting and then be dismissed to their classrooms.

Christmas Eve

André’s Christmas Eve Breakfast
Tuesday, December 24

8:00 – 10:00 AM
Pastor André is excited to be hosting our second annual Christmas Eve Breakfast at Briarcliff Church! He and his friends at Chris Cakes will be serving up pancakes, sausage, and more. Please register using the link below so that Pastor André and his friends know how many pancakes they need to flip!

Registration closes Sunday, December 22.


Christmas Eve Service
Tuesday, December 24

4:30 PM
Our Christmas Eve service will feature a performance by Briarcliff Kids and a candlelight ending. We look forward to welcoming you, your family, and your friends on this special evening for a Christmas Eve you won’t forget! With advanced registration, childcare will be provided for ages 0-2.

Registration closes Sunday, December 22

Childcare Registration

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.
Luke 2:10 (ESV)

Advent Messages

Our Advent sermon series will take place from Sunday, December 1 through Sunday, December 22. Our hope is that you are intentional in making this a meaningful season in your individual and family discipleship. We have also put together a tremendous list of resources for individuals, families and small groups

Join us for this four-week series:

December 1: PEACE

December 8: JOY

December 15: HOPE

December 22: LOVE


Advent Resources

New to Briarcliff Church?

If you're planning your first visit, or have been visiting for a while, we invite you to click on the link below to learn more about our church family.