1 Corinthians 3
Tim Armitage   -  

Life is full of choices, and we all want to make them wisely. But wisdom can be tricky. What is wisdom? Who possesses it? What kind of wisdom do we actually need? These were common questions among the church in first-century Corinth. The Apostle Paul writes to the Corinthians to remind them where true wisdom resides. This was a contentious issue in the church because each member had their favorite “guru” for wisdom. And, hey, who doesn’t like a good guru?!

The issue in 1 Corinthians 3 is the perspective on wisdom. Paul points out to his friends that they are focusing only on worldly wisdom, which often leads to factions and selfishness. But the Christian approach to wisdom considers both material and spiritual realities. This dual perspective is relevant to us today as well—we live in a world that is both material and spiritual. True wisdom, the kind that moves us forward, comes only when we recognize and integrate both realities.

Join us this Sunday as we continue our series in 1 Corinthians and see how we apply God’s wisdom in God’s world that builds God’s church.

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