Proverbs – May 12, 2024
Tim Armitage   -  

If you had one word to define your work, what would it be? Did you know that God has a word that defines the design for work he gave in Genesis 1—2? The Old Testament authors articulated God’s design for work with the word “shalom” representing peace, flourishing, wholeness, and delight. Were any of those your word for work?

We have plenty of words for work, but most are not synonymous with God’s word. Over the last 200 years, our words for work have built a narrative that is grossly divergent from the God’s narrative for work. This leaves us mostly with vocations that are characterized more by drudgery than delight.

Join us this Sunday as we recover the biblical narrative for work – a story that is decoupled from salary or career and reconnected with God’s design of a peace producing and interdependent mechanism for all human flourishing.